Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage is one of the traditional Indian massages we provide at Kalari Ayurveda Centre. As a classical treatment in Ayurveda, it has a healing, cleansing and revitalising effect on your body.

What is Ayurvedic Massage?

Ayurvedic massage is one of the many techniques used in Ayurveda for both treatment and prevention of disease. Originating in India, Ayurveda is one of the oldest, most comprehensive medicine systems in the world.

Ayurvedic massage involves the application of warm herbalised oils to rejuvenate and balance your body. The herbal oil is selected according to your condition and is applied with sweeping flowing strokes. The correct choice of oil is what determines the effectiveness of a traditional Ayurvedic massage.

Recommended for

  • Stress
  • Tension
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Poor circulation
  • Low immunity


  • Provides a revitalising and balancing effect for your body and mind.
  • Stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic systems to facilitate the removal of toxins.
  • Soothes the nervous system and aids your body’s immune system.
  • Nourishes the skin and deeper tissues of your body.
  • Provides a relaxing effect, decreasing mental and physical tension.
  • Increases energy levels and removes fatigue.
  • Benefits sleep patterns.
  • Balances all the doshas.

What to expect in an Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage involves the application of warm herbalised oils with sweeping flowing strokes. Kizhi (Pinda Sweda) application is also combined with the massage when required.

Massage with Ayurvedic herbal oils

The external application of warm herbalised oil plays a major role in Ayurvedic treatment. Herbal oil is a transport mechanism for delivering herbs into the deeper tissues. When the warmed herbal oils are applied in a treatment, the pores of the skin are opened due to the warmth. This allows the healing properties of the herbs to more deeply penetrate the affected tissues. When herbs are used in this manner, they also help to pull impurities out of your body.

Ayurvedic herbal oils are made by cooking selected herbs in a base oil, like black sesame or coconut oil. It is the particular combination of herbs used and their ratio that determines the specific actions of the herbal oil.

Kizhi (Pinda Sweda) application

Kizhi means poultice in Malayalam (the language of Kerala in South India). In Sanskrit, it is known as Pinda Sweda.

A Kizhi is a poultice that is densely packed with herbal ingredients and heated in warm herbal oil throughout the treatment. The Kizhi is massaged over the affected area or the whole body as required.

The warmth of the poultices, combined with the active ingredients of the herbs and oils, improves circulation and reduces body stiffness and pain.

The Kizhi ingredients, herbalised oils and massage techniques are all selected according to the type and cause of your pain.

There are many varieties of Kizhi and the name is given based on the ingredients tied within the poultice. The type of Kizhi used is chosen according to what is most suitable for your particular condition. Some of the Kizhis applied during an Ayurvedic massage are:

Ela Kizhi (Patra Pinda Sweda)

This Kizhi contains fresh leaves of medicinal plants that are fried with other herbal ingredients. The Kizhi is then dipped into warm herbalised oil and applied to the affected body parts.

Naranga Kizhi (Jambeera Pinda Sweda)

The main ingredient in this Kizhi is lime which is cut and fried in herbal oil with herbal powders. The Kizhi is then dipped into warm herbalised oil and applied to the affected areas of the body.

Podi Kizhi (Choorna Pinda Sweda)

Unlike the other Kizhi varieties, this one can be applied with or without oil. The Kizhi contains herbs that have been dried and then pounded with a mortar and pestle into a fine powder. The Kizhi can be warmed in medicated oil during the massage. Or, it can be used without oil when dry heat is needed.

Price for Ayurvedic Massage

$100 – 60 minutes
$150 – 90 minutes

Price for Ayurvedic Massage with Master Biju Nair

$125 – 60 minutes
$175 – 90 minutes

To book your Ayurvedic massage

Treatments that can be used in conjunction with Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage can be carried out as a single treatment or it can be used as a preparation for, or along with, other treatments.

Depending on the purpose of the Ayurvedic massage, various treatments can be given along with this massage to enhance the effects such as:

bashpa swedana

Bashpa Swedana (Herbal steam therapy)

Swedana is the process of inducing sweat with the help of steam, generated from herbal decoctions. Heat makes it easier for toxins to be released from the tissues, so Swedana after oil massage will maximise the detoxification.


Shirodhara involves pouring warm, herbalised oil over your forehead from a hanging pot. It is a powerful treatment for reducing stress and nervous tension. The benefits of Shirodhara are enhanced after an oil massage when the body is already relaxed.


Nasya involves the administration of herbal oils through the nasal passage. Nasya is a powerful cleansing technique of the sinuses and the effects are increased after a massage.

More massage treatments

Kalari Marma Massage

Kalari Marma Massage is from Kerala’s Kalaripayattu tradition. This ancient warrior massage was specially developed to treat and prevent injuries and pain-related conditions.

Chavutti Thirummal

Chavutti Thirummal is from Kerala’s Kalaripayattu tradition. This ancient warrior massage was specially developed to increase flexibility, agility and strength.


Udvartana is a treatment in Ayurveda in which specially prepared herbal paste or herbal powder is massaged over your body. It is a treatment used to support weight loss or detoxification programs.

kalari ayurveda centre
Kalari Ayurveda Centre provides the traditional Indian healing systems of Ayurveda and Kalari Chikitsa with experience, expertise and an emphasis on tradition.




30-32 Nandala Drive,
Tanah Merah,
Queensland, Australia.

© 2013-2024 Kalari Ayurveda Centre and Australian School of Kalaripayattu  ABN 25 024 709 165

Website by Belinda Nair.